1. Is Breeze Consult a Registered Company?
Yes. Breeze Consult is registered with the UK Companies House. Its Registered number is 15970623.
2. Is Breeze Consult an investment company?
No. Breeze Consult is a service for fee company that does not hold clients' funds as a form of investment.
3. How Does Breeze Consult Make Money?
Breeze Consult manages prop firm accounts on behalf of its clients. Profits from these accounts are then shared between the client and Breeze Consult.
4. What is the Profit Share?
65% to the client, 35% to Breeze Consult. This is after the prop firm has taken its share already.
5. What Type Of Accounts does Breeze Consult Manage?
Breeze Consult Exclusively manages Instant Funded accounts. We do not offer challenge passing services.
6. Which Prop Firms do you deal with?
Currently We deal with
a. Finotive Funding
b. OFP Funding and
c. Instant Funding (instantfunding.io).
This is because, their trading conditions meet our risk management parameters.
7. Am I Guaranteed Profits?
The simple answer is YES/NO. However, with Breeze Consult's experience and the systems in place, including risk management, it is more than likely you will make profits from your account.
8. Must I know how to trade before joining Breeze Consult?
Absolutely NO. Breeze Consult is here to help everyone make a living from the forex market. All you need to do is to pay for the account of your choice and Breeze Consult will take it from there.
9. Are weekly Profit withdrawals Guaranteed?
Even though these firms allow weekly profit withdrawals, this may not be the case all the time. For instance, In poor market conditions where profits are not generated in a particular week, obviously withdrawals will not be possible.
10. Is the cost of the account Refundable?
Yes, but under certain conditions:
i. Where the account is breached due to poor risk management from Breeze Consult, you will be refunded. This does not include breaches resulting from outages from Liquidity Providers, or due to downturn from trading platforms.
ii. Where no profits are made after 20 trading days, you will be refunded and the account terminated unless the client decides otherwise.